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In running for office, I've received several questionnaires asking my thoughts on certain issues. Below are real questions I've been asked. You can also check out the video from NEISD Council of PTAs at the bottom of this page to hear answers from myself and the other candidates to several questions. I hope my answers help you get to know me more.  - Raz

Why are you running?

1. I want to equip our students, giving them a world-class education to prepare them to be productive citizens of our great country.  I want to give them the tools to have great careers, to be responsible adults, and to be active participants in our communities.

2. I want to support and encourage teachers. Teachers are the backbone of our educational system, and we need to retain good teachers and attract new ones.

3. Respecting and involving parents so that they can have a voice in what their students are being taught.

How will you work with the community and deal with "angry emails"?

I intend to work with the community by encouraging input and ideas from all groups. I would like to see more interaction with parents and getting their input on board actions and decisions. Also, potentially implementing a "questions from the floor" format during board meetings to that the community can ask questions about agenda items presented. I believe this would allow more interaction and discussion.  If I receive an angry email, I understand that this is a distinct possibility, as people have differing opinions.  The best way to approach these types of emails is to remember that "a gentle answer turns away wrath" while treating them with respect.  Responding to constitutions with why I voted the way I did and explaining my position will better clarify the reasons behind my vote.  In some cases, even a phone call would be more appropriate with the person to explain my position in a rational, calm manner. I know that not everyone will agree with my decisions, but I will always be open to hearing what parents, faculty, and other board members have to say.

What will you do if you are in the minority on an issue about which you feel strongly?

I would present my position to the remainder of the board using reason and logic.  If there are statistics, facts or examples that support my position, then I would bring those before the board and give them a chance to consider what I presented.  Our decisions as board members should not be emotionally-driven but rather looking at what is best for the school district and the students as a whole

What is your experience with public schools?

I had a great experience with my public school education.  I received a superior education through my K-12 primary schooling, which prepared me for the rigorous demands at the United States Air Force Academy. I graduated from the Academy with military distinction and a Bachelor of Sciences in Engineering Sciences.  I then went on to earn a Master of Arts in public Policy from Regent University.  I am grateful for all the teachers, coaches, and faculty members that poured into my life as a child and young adult to become the person I am today.

What are the essential responsibilities of a board member?

  • Determining, implementing and achieving the goals for NEISD

  • Establishing and executing the budget annually for NEISD

  • Reviewing and approving curriculum where required at different grade levels

  • Setting the tax rate for NEISD and determining the need for future bonds

  • Maintaining oversight of the Superintendent and his/her staff to ensure that the goals of the NEISD are met

  • Reviewing and approving contracts servicing NEISD

  • Representing my constituents in SMD 5 and being a voice for their children's education

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